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Drive a real Porsche on a real race track and get the most powerful adrenaline experience in the Baltics. Improve your driving skills by using structured, level-based courses – from general level including driving on the roads to more complicated car race driving levels.

"Porsche Experience" Latvija

911,00 EUR (t. sk. PVN 21%)

Ziemas braukšanas prieks ar jaudīgajiem Porsche modeļiem. Adrenalīns no sānslīdēm Porsche stilā. Uzlabojiet savas autovadīšanas prasmes, pārbaudiet savas robežas un izbaudiet aizrautību, vadot Porsche profesionālu instruktoru uzraudzībā. Vietu skaits ierobežots. Piesakiet vietu gaidīšanas sarakstā jau tagad!

Stage 1: Discover

600,00 EUR (t. sk. PVN 21%)

Kā savaldīt vēnās pulsējošo adrenalīnu, lai ātrumā pieņemtie lēmumi būtu droši un pareizi? To apgūsi pirmajā – apmācību posmā, kurā uzzināsi par drošas braukšanas un mašīnas savaldīšanas principiem. "Porsche Experience" instruktors parūpēsies par aizraujošiem pārbaudījumiem un izaicinājumiem, kuri uzlabos auto vadīšanas prasmes un ļaus izprast jaudīgā Porsche iespējas. Rezultātā būsi ieguvis drošas un dinamiskas braukšanas prasmes un zināšanas, kuras noderēs gan ikdienā, gan ekstremālās situācijās uz ceļa.

Stage 2: Learn

911,00 EUR (t. sk. PVN 21%)

Asinis pulsē aizvien straujāk. Adrenalīna līmenis paaugstinās. Tu esi soli tuvāk jaudīgai pieredzei, kas izmainīs tavu dzīvi. Tas izklausās neticami, bet ir fakts – prasmes, ko apgūsi un adrenalīna deva, ko saņemsi, ir nenovērtējamas. Tu esi soli tuvāk, lai droši varētu vadīt īstu sporta auto. Kā savaldīt tā jaudu, kā paredzēt automobiļa uzvedību trasē un likt precīzi pildīt tavas pavēles? “Porsche Experience” otrajā posmā profesionāla instruktora vadībā tu apgūsi drošas braukšanas pamatus, lai nonākot trasē, varētu ļaut vaļu emocijām un izbaudīt brīvības sajūtu. Apgūstot šo apmācību, būsi gatavs autosporta pamatu apgūšanai lielajā Biķernieku trasē. Jābūt izietām Stage 1 apmācībām.

Stage 3: Boost

1 911,00 EUR (t. sk. PVN 21%)

Tas brīdis ir klāt. Tu. Trase. Porsche. Adrenalīns. Ātrums, kas aizcērt elpu, strauji manevri, kas izmainīs tavu izpratni par fizikas likumiem, bremzēšana, kas riepām liek dziedāt un adrenalīns, kas pārņem tevi no matiem līdz pirkstgaliem. Nenovērtējami un neaizmirstami? Adrenalīna pilns piedzīvojums - ‘’viens pret viens’’ apmācības slavenajā Biķernieku trasē dalībniekiem, kuri izgājuši pirmos divus posmus. Autosporta trajektorijas izprašana, lielu ātrumu kontrole un efektīva bremzēšana. Apmācību laikā uzlabosi savas spējas vadīt un izprast auto, izmantojot visas zināšanas, ko ieguvi no iepriekšējām mācību posmiem. Jaunas zināšanas saņemsi, izmantojot datu un video analīzi, kas ļaus justies kā īstam autosporta pilotam. Jābūt izietām Stage 1 un Stage 2 apmācībām.

Individuālas apmācības

Pēc pieraksta

Īpašā “viens pret viens” apmācībā instruktors iemācīs pieradināt iecienītā Porsche spēkrata jaudu. Autosporta pilota līmeņa datu analīze un video analizēšana. Stūres tehnikas un transportlīdzekļa vadāmības optimizācija. Ideālā bremzēšanas punkta noteikšana un pakāpeniska ideālās līnijas apgūšana.

Porsche Experience Latvia.

Unforgettable memories on the ice behind the wheel of a powerful Porsche. Basic knowledge of how to control slipping, braking and accelerating in very slippery conditions. Learning different ice driving techniques. Transferring weight from one side to the other while continuing to drive the Porsche in a drift manner. You’ll enjoy every second behind the wheel, discovering new winter driving limits that will prepare you for safe everyday winter driving and improve your track knowledge. Experience winter with the Porsche Experience.

Stage 1: Discover.

Getting acquainted with the “Porsche Driving Experience” car model and instructor. During the first stage of training, you will learn about the principles of safe driving and vehicle control. Instructor will take care of exciting tests and challenges, which will improve your driving skills and allow you to understand the possibilities of the powerful Porsche. As a result, you will gain safe and dynamic driving skills and knowledge which will be of use both in your daily life, and in extreme situations on the road.

Stage 2: Learn.

You’re a step closer to being able to drive a real sports car safely. How do you control power and predict vehicle behaviour on the circuit, making it execute your orders precisely? In the second stage of the “Porsche Experience”, under the supervision of a professional instructor, you will acquire the basics of safe driving to be able to give way to emotions and enjoy the sense of freedom as soon as you get on the circuit. Upon the completion of this training, you will be able to proceed to learning the basics of car racing at the large Biķernieki Circuit. Completion of Stage 1 training is required.

Stage 3: Boost.

Adventure full of adrenaline – training “one-to-one” at the famous Biķernieki Circuit for participants who have completed the first two stages. Understanding of the car racing trajectory, control of high speeds, and efficient braking. During the training, you will improve your skills related to driving and understanding the vehicle by using all the knowledge you’ve acquired from the previous stages of training. You will get new knowledge by using data and video analysis, which will allow you to feel like a real racing driver. Completion of Stage 1 and Stage 2 training is required.

Individual training.

In the special “one-to-one” training, the instructor will teach you how to get used to the power of the popular Porsche vehicle. Analysis of car racing pilot level data and video analysis. Optimisation of steering technique and handling of the vehicle. Determination of the ideal braking point and gradual acquisition of the ideal line.



Valters Zviedris

Porsche Experience Instructor

+371 25 633 911
  • The only certified Porsche instructor in Latvia;
  • One of twelve drivers in the world to be selected for the Porsche Motorsport Junior Shootout in 2023;
  • 2023 Porsche Sprint Challenge NEZ Champion with Porsche 911 GT3 CUP (992);
  • In the Palanga 1006 KM endurance race with Porsche 911 GT3 CUP (992), won the GT Open class and came second in the overall ranking;
  • 2022 Champion of the largest mono Touring Car class in the Baltics;
  • In 2021 participated in the most popular endurance race in the Baltics “Aurum 1006km” in Palanga, Lithuania with Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991 Gen1);
  • Latvian Master of Motorsport Award at the age of 16;
  • Five-time Latvian Karting Champion;
  • represented Latvia with honour at the FIA Motorsport Games in 2019 and 2022;
  • Vice-champion at the Legends World Finals in 2018;
  • Jūrmala Sportsman of the Year in 2021 and 2022;
  • started motorsport at the age of 6.

Gift card

“Porsche Driving Experience” is a great choice of present for people who are interested in Porsche cars and fascinated by car racing. Give a present of unforgettable emotions to your friends, family or a loved one. During the training, the recipient of the gift will be instructed on how to control the sporting spirit of Porsche.


    I agree that the specified personal data is used for direct marketing purposes of SIA „Baltijas sporta auto“, namely for sending newsletters and other offers.

    I am aware that the Porsche Experience programme requires participants to be at least 21 years old with a category B licence and at least three years' driving experience. Must not be under the influence of intoxicants when arriving at the event.